"Cattle Baron's
Major Original Painting ~ For Sale by
(Click for more information)
We are in the process of compiling a catalogue raisonné. This will serve as the definitive, comprehensive archive of the artists' original paintings. The inclusion of your painting(s) in this catalog will both verify the authenticity of your work and provide provenance to those who may inherit or own it someday. We will provide you a "Certificate of Authenticity" as well as current estimate of replacement value for insurance purposes.
Randy's personal archive (including his catalogue raisonné),
will soon be permanently preserved by the University of Texas at Arlington Library in
their "Special Collections" department. Additionally, his life story and
oral history will also become a permanent part of their "Texas Disability History Collection."
Click >here< for an
overview of the project and >here<
to access Randy's forthcoming page.
Souders art benefits Christopher Reeve Foundation For 5 years in a row, Randy Souders lent his artwork to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. His last project involved the publication of 3,050,000 (three million, fifty thousand) calendars featuring one of his images. These were mailed to supporters across America and around the world. Proceeds assisted researchers in their quest to find a cure for paralysis due to spinal cord injury and disease. Randy Souders suffered a spinal cord injury in 1972 and has been confined to a wheelchair ever since. For more information or to donate please contact the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
VSA International Arts Festival
Every 5 years VSA arts brings together artists, educators, researchers, and policy makers with disabilities from around the world for a multicultural celebration of the arts and arts education. These festivals feature visual, performing, literary, media artists and a guest list that includes over two thousand participants from all corners of the globe. VSA arts also convened an international arts
education conference. Geared towards professional educators and working artists, the
conference focused upon advancing inclusive education through the arts and hosted a career
development forum for artists with disabilities. In addition to the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts, venues such as the Smithsonian Institution, the Atlas Performing Arts
Center, the H Street Playhouse, and the D.C. IMPROV all showcased performances and
exhibitions. The International VSA arts Festival is a four-day extravaganza held every five years in select cities around the globe such as Los Angeles, California and Brussels, Belgium. Once again it was Washington D.C.'s turn to host this dazzling display of creativity by artists with disabilities. The VSA arts Festival is a production of VSA arts, which is creating a society where people with disabilities can learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts. VSA arts (an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC) is an international nonprofit organization that provides opportunities in the arts for people with disabilities. Founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith, VSA arts reaches nearly 5 million people around the world through a network of affiliates in 49 states and 64 countries. Randy Souders served on the VSA arts national board of directors from 1990 till 2005. To learn more about VSA arts and its programs and events, please visit their website at by clicking >HERE<
June 3, 2018 marked the 28th year since Randy began his partnership as a featured gallery artist with the Walt Disney Company. New works are constantly in development. A partial listing of his creations can be seen here. © Walt Disney Company. All Rights Reserved |